Due to large volumes of uncollected import units in Hull, both Customs cleared and uncleared status, please accept that due to heavy terminal congestion there is likely to be ongoing drop off and collection delays.
We kindly request that collections are made promptly on unit arrival at Hull in order to reduce terminal congestion. Your specific units on quay have been sent to you at the weekend and if you need any more data please let us know.
We wanted to take this opportunity to advise you that as from September 1st 2021 we will be revising our import dwell charges by reducing from the current free 6 days to 4 days.
By giving this forward notice of a reduction in free days we trust you can adjust your shipping and collection planning in order to reduce the congestion we are experiencing in Hull
Please note that during these times we are currently unable to accept future storage bookings in Hull until further notice.
P&O Ferries