Following last week’s message regarding the congestion on our Immingham Terminal, unfortunately the situation has not improved, which has resulted in the Terminal operating far in excess of its capacity. The situation continues to worsen, driven by Import units remaining on the terminal longer, and export units not being cleared and missing their booked vessels. Our entire operation is now close to standstill, and unless there is an immediate improvement we face a real threat of being unable to discharge vessels and having to close the Terminal this weekend. We therefore again ask for your co-operation in clearing and removing as many import units from our terminal as quickly as possible, and only delivering export units to the terminal which have been customs cleared and can be shipped.
From Monday 01 February we will need to take more severe measures to ensure the continued operation of our terminal to protect the interests of all of our customers. We have reviewed all options and will consider the following as appropriate;
- The block stow of import units that have been on the quay for more than 48 hours. Units which are block stowed will be subject to a fee of £25 for stowing and release, and we will be unable to release specific units, it will be the units at the front of the stow only.
- Any export units which are not cleared prior to arrival will not be allowed onto the terminal.
- If we are unable to discharge import units from the vessel due to a lack of Terminal space, vessel loading in the continental port will be reduced until adequate space is available in Immingham.